Saturday, April 08, 2006

Jesse Browns - New Riot Dealer in Charlotte NC

Last week I visited Jesse Browns in Charlotte NC. They were very excited that the US National Whitewater Center is being built just down the road from their shop. They are performing crazy acts of exuberance because of it.

Rob felt that he needed to show us how to dump water out of a boat.

This made Karey angry so he gave Rob a knuckle sandwich to the spleen. Rob found it humorous.

Later they were so happy that they both continued to wear the same grey t-shirt, jeans and sandals. They celebrated

Jesse Browns employees are now accepting fan mail. Call them at 704.510.0089 or go visit them in Charlotte at 8929 JM Keynes Drive, Suite 400, Charlotte NC 28262

Don't litter!

Spencer Cooke, Team Riot

1 comment:

Yasmin said...

Cool, I like your made up stories.
That was funny but really good.
We afghans love u all !!