Friday, August 01, 2008



This year we have spent a lot of time on the Raundalen river. It’s my favorite by far, and with loads of snow in the mountains we have had good levels this year. So good levels and a disapproval of a proposed dam calls for a celebration of this river. This summer we have also really fallen in love with the Thunder. It’s partly because we have started to explore some of our creek runs at higher flows and partly because some of the best play spots are located in these gorges. Both good reason to choose the Thunder which is my favorite at big water/creeking/river running/play……when it’s all mixed up and you want to have the cake and eat it too.

This was also why I took the Thunder when I went to Futa last winter. I needed a boat to go on the big rapids and waves and that would get me safe down some of the waterfalls we found on our way to Futa.

Well, we were out to take some pictures for you, when the whole river suddenly went brown….we got up and just ahead of us the river was blocked by a huge landslide. Sadly this landslide might       have destroyed my favorite rapid…time will           show.


 Here are some pics from the river of me, Eirik and Silje.

Foto: Jarand Naa and Mark Basso

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